In an SAP system, the ICM, Message Server, and SAP processes (diag, background) operate and listen on specific ports. As you know, ports act as entry points for servers and operating systems, and the state of traffic and data packets sent and received through these ports is crucial. SAP systems use specific ports, and it is important to list the active/inactive status of these ports and determine which ports are open in the system. Below, I have outlined the methods to check the status of ports specific to SAP:
Run the following command:
/usr/sap/<SID>/D00/exe/sapcontrol -nr <instance num> -function GetAccessPointList
You will receive an output similar to this:
address, port, protocol, processname, active, 50113, HTTP, sapstartsrv, Yes, 50113, HTTP, sapstartsrv, Yes, 50114, HTTPS, sapstartsrv, Yes, 50114, HTTPS, sapstartsrv, Yes, 3201, ENQ, enserver, Yes, 3201, ENQ, enserver, Yes, 3901, MS, msg_server, Yes, 3901, MS, msg_server, Yes, 3601, MS, msg_server, Yes, 3601, MS, msg_server, Yes, 8101, HTTP, msg_server, Yes, 8101, HTTP, msg_server, Yes
The following commands can be used to check port status at the OS level:
netstat -tuln | grep sap
ss -tuln | grep sap
lsof -i -P -n | grep sap
netstat -ano | findstr LISTENING
nmap -p- <SAP_Server_IP>
telnet <SAP_Server_IP> <Port>
Note: These command packages must be installed on the operating system.
Navigate to: SMICM -> Goto -> Services
Here's an example Python script to check SAP port status. The code is provided as an additional resource.
import socket
import re
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from tabulate import tabulate
# IP address of the remote computer to be scanned
# SAP Port Definitions
ports = {
"ABAP AS": {
"Dispatcher": "32NN",
"Gateway": "33NN",
"Gateway2": "48NN",
"ICM HTTP": ["80NN", "80"],
"ICM HTTP": ["84NN", "8443"],
"ICM HTTPS": ["443NN", "443"],
"ICM SMTP": "25",
"ICM Admin": "650NN",
"Message Server": ["36NN", "39NN"],
"Message Server HTTP": "81NN",
"Message Server HTTPS": "444NN",
"Central System Log *UDP*": ["12NN", "13NN", "14NN", "15NN"],
"Admin Services": {
"SAPHostControl": "1128",
"SAPHostControl SSL": "1129",
"Start Service": "5NN13",
"Start Service SSL": "5NN14",
"SDM": ["5NN17", "5NN18", "5NN19"],
"SAP Router": "3299",
"NIping": "3298",
"SAPlpd": "515",
"DTR": "5NN15",
"IGS HTTP": "4NN80"
"HANA": {
"SQL indexserver": "3NN15",
"XS HTTP": "80NN",
"XS HTTPS": "43NN",
# Port expansion function
def expand_ports(port_rule, maxi=100):
port_re = r"(\w+)(NN)(\w+)?"
port_list = re.split(port_re, port_rule)
port_list = [e for e in port_list if e not in ["", None]]
if len(port_list) > 1:
temp_list = []
for i in range(maxi):
port = "".join(port_list)
temp_list.append(port.replace("NN", f"{i:02}"))
return temp_list
return port_list
# function of port scanning
def scan_port(ip, port):
with socket.create_connection((ip, int(port)), timeout=1):
return True
except (socket.timeout, socket.error):
return False
# main function
def main():
# create ports to scan
port_details = []
for category, protocols in ports.items():
for protocol, port_rule in protocols.items():
if isinstance(port_rule, list):
for rule in port_rule:
expanded_ports = expand_ports(rule)
port_details += [(category, protocol, port) for port in expanded_ports]
expanded_ports = expand_ports(port_rule)
port_details += [(category, protocol, port) for port in expanded_ports]
# Make ports unique
port_details = sorted(set(port_details), key=lambda x: int(x[2]))
# Start scan
print(f"Taranacak IP: {TARGET_IP}\n")
active_ports = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor:
futures = {executor.submit(scan_port, TARGET_IP, detail[2]): detail for detail in port_details}
for future in futures:
category, protocol, port = futures[future]
if future.result(): # Sadece aktif portları ekle
active_ports.append([category, protocol, port])
# write the actie port as table
if active_ports:
headers = ["Category", "Protocol", "Port"]
print(tabulate(active_ports, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid"))
print("Hiçbir aktif port bulunamadı.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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